Financing of a startup company
Only Finnish funding channels are discussed here. A Finnish startup can, of course, look for funding outside the country, from investment companies, angel investors and public sources such as EU funds. At least in the early phases of a startup, it is challenging without having a specific relationships with financiers or strong startup connections to other markets.
Investment companies
Some of the Finnish companies making startup investments are presented below, with a short description of their investment focus. Size of the companies varies, some are venture capitalists with sizable funds and some angel investor investment tools. To get more insights on investment philosophies of the companies as well to understand, how to approach them, please contact me.
Aboa Venture Management: Small and medium sized companies, growth and early stage, Western and Northern Finland
Ahlström Capital: Cleantech
AJP Holding Oy: Equity investments
Amibient Sound Investments: Seed financing for technology companies
AppCampus: Accelerator, funding and coaching for Windows Phone application developers
Armada Mezzazine Capital: Enabling company growth, Nordic countries
Bocap: Small and medium sized companies, domestic and international growth
Booster Investment: Early and growth stage companies
Butterfly Ventures: Pre-seed and seed phase companies. special focus Oulu
Caplia Invest: High tech or innovative thinking
Cleantechinvest: Vigo acclerator, cleantech
Conor Venture Partners: Early stage technology companies
East Wings: Vigo accelerator in Tampere, Asia opportunities
Folmer Management: No seed phase companies
Fonecta: Investments in firms at every stage, from 50 k€ up
Frontier: Consultant, international expansion to Middle East and Southeast Asian markets
GameFounders: Games
Gorilla ventures: Vigo accelerator, seed finanacing and operational business support
Greenstep: Sweat equity
GTW Group: Hood opportuities in Finland in abroad
Guida Invest: Seed phase
Helsinki Ventures: Vigo accelerator, for startups originating from Russia and CIS
Hitseed: Accelerator, intelligent devices enabled by sensors and connectivity
HLM Advisors: Consultant, international B2B device and service business Invests in angel and seed phase companies
Ingman Group: Long-term value growth
Innofinance: Business development and growth
Innovestor: Provides private investors opportunities to invest in growth companies
Inveni Capital: Lifescience companies in Northern and Central Europe
Inventure: Innovative high-tech firms in Finland and Scandinavia
Joy Group: Developing companies and technology innovations
JSH Capital: Companies with international potential
Koppicatch: Vigo accelerator, focus media, e-commerce ja analytics
Korona Invest: Social services and health firms
Lagoon Capital Consultant, high growth companies
Ledi: Consultant, doing business together
Lifeline Ventures: Vigo accelerator, health, web, games
Lureco: Spin offs of Lappeenranta University of Technology
Magnolia Ventures: IT startups with international potential
Media Startup Accelerator: Media companies, joint initiative of YLE (Finnish Broadcasting Company) and Nestholma
Mediatonic: Games, tv formats, multimedia products, web services
Midinvest: Small and medium sized companies, financing growth
Miston Investment: Companies with growth and development potential
Nestholma: Lahti, seed financing, imaging focus
Newentures: Research based innovations
Nexit Ventures: Mobile focus
Nokia Growth Partners: Mobile, communications, internet
Nordic Growth: Companies with growth potential
Noweco Partners: Growth companies, Western and Northern Finland
Oakventures: Consultant, sweat equity
Open Ocean: Software, cloud services
Opsicon: Consultant
Optiomi: Growth companies
Oulun Seudun Hyvinvointirahasto: Companies seeking growth
Polte: Growth companies in all industries
Pontos Group: Growth companies, 2-10M€ capital, no specific industry focus
Profita Group: Growth companies
PULS: Lifesciences
Qpoli: Consultant, software, mobile and game companies
Rite Ventures: Early stage growth companies
Royal Majestics: Vigo accelerator, lifestyle, design, consumer markets
Sanoma Ventures: Information, entertainment, education, e-commerce
Sievi Capital: Good earning logic
Spintop Ventures: Companies with international opportunities
StoraEnso Ventures: Companies with link to StoraEnso core businesses
Thominvest: No tight industry focus
Taito Capital Partners: Developing companies
Troll Capital: Early stage and growth companies
Tutor Invest: Technology and service companies
Vanaja Capital: Hämeenlinna region, new and growing companies
Vendep: Vigo accelerator and seed phase investor
Verdane Capital: Smaller companies in growth phase
Veturi Venture Accelerators: Vigo accelerator. seed financing, strategy, operative support
Vision Plus: Applications, games and servce products, investments 50-500 k€
VNT Management: Renewable energy, energy saving
VTT ventures: VTT based high tech companies with international growth potential
Wallstreet Financial Services: Invests together with its customers to startup and growth companies
Angel investors
No indinvidual business angel information is published here, but if you want get their contact information and how to approach them, please contact me. These people can be also be contacted e.g. through angel associations below or by participating in various startup events. Some of the investors woth through their investment companies, see above.
Suomen bisnesenkelit , Finnish business angels
Finnish Business Angel Network, FIBAN Market for startups seeking financing and financiers, utilises PocketVenture crwowdfunding platform.
Crowdfunding companies, operating in Finland. In addition, there are numerous international crowdfunding firms that are available for Finnish companies, too.
Fundedbyme: Fastest growing crowdfunding platform in Europe
Fundu: Innovative financing for growth companies
Invesdor: Crowdfunding in Nordic countries
Kansalaisrahoitus: Small and medium sized companies, startups, privatee persons, offices in Helsinki and Turku
Mesenaatti: Crowdfunding for all
PocketVenture: Thousands of private investors all over the world
Vauraus Suomi: Loan based crowdfunding for SME
Venture Bonsai: European startups and growth companies
Fundedbyme: Fastest growing crowdfunding platform in Europe
Fundu: Innovative financing for growth companies
Invesdor: Crowdfunding in Nordic countries
Kansalaisrahoitus: Small and medium sized companies, startups, privatee persons, offices in Helsinki and Turku
Mesenaatti: Crowdfunding for all
PocketVenture: Thousands of private investors all over the world
Vauraus Suomi: Loan based crowdfunding for SME
Venture Bonsai: European startups and growth companies
Public financing
There are multiple, partly overlapping public financing instruments available for startups in Finland. Besides mostly national instruments listed below, there are also some regional and local ones. And because various instruments have their own specific focus and interests, it is vital to identify the ones that can support a startup in a specific life cycle phase. To get more information on that and to create effective financing applications, please contact me.
ELY-keskus: E.g. start grants for incubator startups, preparation grants, development projects for internationalization
Business Finland: Capital investments/convertible bonds (previously Finnvera Venture Capital), Innovaatioseteli for innovation funding, R&D grants and loans as well as financing for new innovative companies
Finnvera: Entrepreneur loans, small loans and collaterals
Sitra: investments in companies with growth potential
Teollisuussijoitus: Investments in company growth and international operations
Vigo: Acclerator program for innovative, new companies, Tekes backing. Jointly with private accelerators.
Forum Virium: For Helsinki based companies, company growth and internationalization, partial support for selected projects
ELY-keskus: E.g. start grants for incubator startups, preparation grants, development projects for internationalization
Business Finland: Capital investments/convertible bonds (previously Finnvera Venture Capital), Innovaatioseteli for innovation funding, R&D grants and loans as well as financing for new innovative companies
Finnvera: Entrepreneur loans, small loans and collaterals
Sitra: investments in companies with growth potential
Teollisuussijoitus: Investments in company growth and international operations
Vigo: Acclerator program for innovative, new companies, Tekes backing. Jointly with private accelerators.
Forum Virium: For Helsinki based companies, company growth and internationalization, partial support for selected projects
Financing guides
Guides below are in Finnish.
Fiban guide to look for angel investments
Ohjelmistoyrittäjien ja Teknologiateollisuuden opas
Suomen Pääomasijoitusyhdistyksen opas pääomasijoituksista.
Rahoituskone rahoituksen hakemiseksi Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Norjassa ja Virossa haettavan määrän, yrityksen vaiheen ja toimialan perusteella.
Fiban guide to look for angel investments
Ohjelmistoyrittäjien ja Teknologiateollisuuden opas
Suomen Pääomasijoitusyhdistyksen opas pääomasijoituksista.
Rahoituskone rahoituksen hakemiseksi Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Norjassa ja Virossa haettavan määrän, yrityksen vaiheen ja toimialan perusteella.
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