Sales growthWhen existing market areas do not generate enough revenues, the challenges are very often in outdated or wrong customer approach that make a company vulnerable to the problems brought by stringent competitive tendering. I assist businesses to find blind spots in their sales and marketing operations, and to implement actions to accelerate sales growth.
Besides success in acquiring new customers, sales growth also requires retaining current customers and getting them buy more. This is not so easy in the world of strong competitive tendering:
You should not look for a specific miracle recipe to solve your all customer problems – they most often give you only temporary relief or partial improvement. But the problems continue to exist, because differentiation from competitors is non-existent or unclear, and the firm has not learnt to avoid tendering in its sales and marketing operations. Through clear differentiation and getting rid of competitive tendering, a seller can find a sustainable path to growth and profitability. It is vital to understand the business situation of company´s customer operations and according to that, prioritise the development efforts and put wheels rolling. By utilising iterative approach, success of the activities can be rapidly tested, selection of wrong paths avoided and cost overruns prevented. In the following there are some successful examples about using the approach:
You can discuss more with me about your challenges for generating growth in your existing markets. Please call me, +358 40 559 7010, or send an email, [email protected]. Share this page:
Company casesBy using active outbound marketing efforts, a company was able to book product presentations to its potential customers. The customers were, however, very lukewarm to its offerings: either they did not have a related project ongoing or they were looking for a different type of solution to their problem. The company marketing approach was transformed so that the target was to reach customer business decision-makers already when a customer´s problem was only emerging to be a new initiative. The company was positioned as the though leader in the issues related to the customers´ problem. Gradually, potential customers came to the company to seek for guidance well in advance before detailed comparison of solution alternatives.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- A company was more and more losing its consumer customers. It was known that this was primarily due to product competitiveness problems, but is was also very clear that the new products cannot be launched soon enough. By analysing customer churn, however, it was possible to identify a set of indicators that were well predicting who was going to leave. By sending these customers messages that were adapted according to their consuming behaviour, it was possible to significantly reduce their churn. -------------------------------------------------------------------- A significant system vendor noticed that it is impossible to get any meaningful interaction with customers before requests for proposal. This caused that from the vendor point of view, the requests were often emphasising very disadvantageous requirements. When the situation was studied more thoroughly, the customers were seen to rely in their project planning on external consultants - partly because of lacking competences, partly for resource reasons. By identifying the most important consultants that were affecting on the requirements important to the vendor, and by feeding them in favourable information, it was possible to significantly improve vendor success in tendering cases. More insights and foresights